3 Ways to Motivate Yourself Into Completing That Task

[2-minute insight]

Motivation is personal and each of us is energised differently so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are a few techniques which are easy to implement and work for most people. Let’s take a look at how to motivate yourself out of procrastination and into getting on with those tasks.

1) Arguing the Toss

If you’re in a lack of drive mindset, it’s very easy to come up with an internal dialogue of why you shouldn’t motivate yourself and take action.

“It’s too difficult”
“I don’t have enough time”
“I’ll get it wrong because I don’t know what I’m doing”


This is sticky thinking i.e. the dialogue which keeps you stuck in the inertia of non-action. If you have a deadline, then you may also start to feel the anxiety creeping in. Unstick your mindset by doing the opposite. For every reason you think you will fail, do a swticheroo and come up with a reason as to how you may succeed. For example:

“It’s too difficult” / “Is it really that difficult? What is easy about it?”
“I don’t have time” / “Looking at my schedule, where can I make time?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing” / “Are there any articles which could help?

For every negative thought, counter-challenge it and you’ll start to see that your initial resistance wasn’t so accurate after all.

2) The 15-Minute Wonder

Having an important task for which you have little enthusiasm, or are feeling overwhelmed by, can easily lead to dread. However, no matter how you feel, you know it needs to be done. The first step is to lessen that sense of dread by diffusing some of the overwhelm.

An effective method for how to motivate yourself is by using the 15-minute rule. Give yourself permission to stop the task, guilt free (this is important) after 15 minutes. When you reach the 15-minute mark, ask yourself if you want to stop there or continue. You may find that, within just 15 minutes, you have created enough momentum to carry on. Getting started on a task is often the hardest part. It’s much easier to keep going once you’ve initiated progress.

If you do find yourself quitting the task at the 15-minute mark, the worst thing you can do it beat yourself up over it. All that does, is put your mind back into a negative, unmotivated state. Instead, congratulate yourself, smile and say:

“Even though it was only 15-minutes, I still did it, I got started and I am grateful to myself to finding the motivation within me.”

Repeat three times, give yourself a short break, then ask yourself if you feel you can repeat the 15-minute rule again. Notice if anything has changed.

3) Promotion or prevention thinking

Sometimes our lack of drive is due to how we think or feel about the result of completing it. In her book Focus‘, Heidi Grant Ph.D. describes two styles of motivational focus which prompt our behaviours.

Promotion focused – People motivated by promotion or positive reward want to advance and avoid missed opportunities. Promotion focused people are goal oriented, see the bigger picture, take chances and play to win.

Prevention focused – People with a prevention mindset see goals more as responsibilities and concentrate on playing things safe. They tend to work at a slower pace, be conscientious and rather than play to win, they play not to lose.

Consider your thinking with regard to the task, by writing down all the potential outcomes you will achieve once it’s completed. Aim for at least ten if you can. Note which outcomes fall into either of the above thinking styles. For example:

  1. I will feel relieved.
  2. My manager will be happy.
  3. This will enable my team to…
  4. My time is now freed up to concentrate on other things.
  5. I won’t lose my job.
  6. I won’t get into trouble with…

The benefits of visually recognising the potential outcomes are two-fold. Firstly, this exercise will shift your mindset into seeing the tangible and emotional benefits you gain from its completion. Secondly, this will help you identify your motivational focus towards future projects.

Next time you wake up wondering how to motivate yourself, give it a go and see which method works best for you.

Want to know more about your true motivators and why they energise you?
A Motivational Map will reveal all! You can also access your FREE sample using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Introducing the 3 Relationship Motivators

[3-minute insight]

People who have relationship-led motivations featuring dominantly in the top three on their Motivational Map, are driven by a sense of unity. Whether this means security, belonging, social esteem or all three, their motivations primarily come from sustaining relationships at work. Let’s take a closer look at the three drivers in this area and what energises people with relationship motivators.


Defenders need security and plenty of it! They have to believe that what they’re doing is contributing to a solid and predictable future. Therefore, final retirement options will enter into their calculations as to what is important.

When job seeking, a Defender will also be evaluating the security of the company, its size, longevity and track record. The need for security is one of the most powerful of all human needs. Defenders are risk and change averse, so the word spontaneity doesn’t exactly feature high-up in their vocabulary. However, a Defender may well take bold moves so long as detailed calculations show the outcome has a large degree of certainty.

Defenders are highly motivated when they’re given clear communication and accurate information. However, springing last minute tasks on them will not be appreciated!

Focuses on: Job security and company stability.
Likes you to: Deliver accurate and regular information.
Motivating statement: “The company is doing well”
Demotivating statement: “We have a crisis, can you drop everything and do this now?”

Theme song: ‘Security’ by Otis Reading


Friends need to feel like they belong and so they’re driven by the people around them. They want harmonious, nourishing relationships with other people at work and to feel part of a community. They view teamwork as collaborative as opposed to competitive.

Friends prefer to work for an organisation with a strong identity and culture where people are valued. A Friend tends to view all proposed changes through the filter question: ‘How does that affect the people here?’ Loyalty and community are key values and they especially like to be close to people and part of a team. Even if a Friend does not enjoy the job, they will stick with it if they like the people.

A good social life in and outside of work is highly motivating for Friends. They will easily become demotivated if not given the opportunity to form bonds with others.

Focuses on: A collaborative environment where they feel supported.
Likes you to: Listen to and include them.
Motivating statement: “Let’s have a company social event”
Demotivating statement: “We don’t encourage friendships here”

Theme song: ‘We Are Family’ by Sister Sledge


Stars need to be recognised, admired and respected by the community at large both in and outside of work, whether it be from professional associates, colleagues or peers. They go about their work with a fervent demeanour because they love to stand out and shine. This is good for their social esteem.

Like a Friend, a Star is not so much motivated by financial reward but by personal recognition, even more so when in a public setting . They’ll relish a proverbial pat on the back, especially when given in front of others.

Promotion is highly motivating for a Star because of the personal recognition it brings them and they’ll practically bite your arm off for the opportunity! Lack of appreciation for a job well done will heavily demotivate a Star.

Focuses on: Opportunities for recognition and awards.
Likes you to: Hold them in high esteem and praise their contributions.
Motivating statement: “We have so much respect for you”
Demotivating statement: “And you are…?”

Theme song: ‘Respect’ by Aretha Franklin

Want to know whether your candidates or people are driven by relationship motivators?

Using Motivational Maps as part of your hiring and team development processes will reveal all! You can also access your FREE sample of a Motivational Map using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Introducing the 3 Growth Motivators

[3-minute insight]

People who have growth-led motivations featuring dominantly in the top three on their Motivational Map, are driven by creative change and personal development. Whether they seek innovation, autonomy, purpose or all three, growth is equated to a person realising their full potential. Let’s take a closer look at the three drivers in this area and what energises people with growth motivators.


As the name suggests, Creators need creativity! They are the magicians and alchemists who love to innovate and playfully experiment with their ideas – especially when they can put them into form. Additionally, they’re lateral and abstract thinkers who appreciate their name associated with the product or service.

Creators break barriers by bringing into existence that which wasn’t there before because theyre able to see the potential in things. Problems, challenges and ‘the new’ bring out the best in a Creator. Coming up with solutions gives Creators the opportunity to do what they do best which is to innovate! They tend to be optimistic and persevere in the face of adversity.

Because they solve problems, Creators are motivated by opportunities to form solutions through their ideas. Taking this freedom away will demotivate a Creator.

Focuses on: Originality and variety away from restrictions.
Likes you to: Recognise and reward them for their ideas.
Motivating statement: “What ideas do you have which will solve this problem?”
Demotivating statement: “Here, have some more paperwork”

Theme song: ‘I’ve got a Great Idea’ by Harry Connick Jr.


A Spirit’s need is for freedom and autonomy, they seek to be independent and to be able to make key decisions for themselves. Spirits tend to become easily irritated by restrictions and procedures. Taking away a Spirit’s ability to come to their own decisions and choices, for any length of time, will leave them feeling stressed.

Micromanagement will unequivocally demotivate a Spirit because they much prefer to march to the beat of their own drum than that of someone else. They like to be given the authority to think and work in their own preferred way because this is highly motivating for them. A Spirit will shy away from bureaucracy and box-ticking and as such tend to perform at their best when working alone. E.g. remotely.

An elevated position is not as important to Spirits as self-direction, this is due to their entrepreneurial nature. They are happy with responsibility so long as there is no interference!

Focuses on: Environments where they can work with freedom.
Likes you to: Trust them to make their own choices.
Motivating statement: We trust your decisions
Demotivating statement: “I need to double-check every single thing you do”

Theme song: ‘I Did it My Way’ by Frank Sinatra


A Searcher’s need is for purpose and equally important…meaning. The quest for meaning suggests that what they do is, or are, things which are valuable for their own sake.

They are less driven by financial rewards and power because, for a searcher, it’s much more about creating positive, authentic and impactful contributions. Moreover, contributions for which they are recognised and appreciated. Fundamentally, a Searcher seeks to make a difference to the quality of work and life through purpose and, by the same token, will remain true to their core values.

Searchers have to see that what theyre doing is significant in its own right, not just because it makes money or gives status. A Searcher will easily become demotivated if their workload becomes heavily paper driven, so best avoid flooding their inboxes!

Focuses on: Making a difference and creating meaningful impact.
Likes you to: Listen to and involve them in significant projects.
Motivating statement: “Your contributions are valuable, thank you”
Demotivating statement: “That’s not at all helpful”

Theme song: ‘Man in the Mirror’ by Michael Jackson

Want to know whether your candidates or people are driven by growth motivators?

Using Motivational Maps as part of your hiring and team development processes will reveal all! You can also access your FREE sample of a Motivational Map using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Introducing the 3 Achievement Motivators

[3-minute insight]

People who have achievement-led motivations featuring dominantly in the top three on their Motivational Map, are driven by the need to succeed. Whether the outcome is financial reward, influence, mastery or all three, achievement is equated to recognition for performance. Let’s take a closer look at the three drivers in this area and what energises people with achievement motivators.


Directors need power and influence, they are self-confident and prefer to be in charge. A Director isn’t necessarily the head honcho, but they do thrive on taking ownership of and influencing people, projects and resources within their environment. How Directors hold that ownership or influence varies, but to feel motivated in their role, they need authority to really flourish.

Directors like to make critical decisions about how things are done within the organisation. Power and influence are strong drivers, therefore Directors are often drawn towards management and leadership career structures. This is where they get to illustrate their natural leadership qualities to help them shine.

Directors are action and outcome assertors, this means they get stuff done. Furthermore, they will co-ordinate with great clarity about how to do so. Responsibility and opportunities to lead are highly motivating for a Director, just don’t cut off their influence or resources otherwise they’ll feel devalued.

Focuses on: Co-ordinating others to achieve outcomes.
Likes you to: Set clear objectives but also get to the point.
Motivating statement: “You’re in charge”
Demotivating statement:“We’re delegating some of your responsibilities to other people”

Theme song: ‘I Wanna be The Leader’ by The Marcels


A Builder’s need is for material satisfactions and a high standard of living. They’re driven by financial rewards and this is self-validating for them because they feel like they’re ‘winning at life.’ It’s a Brucie-bonus if other people also acknowledge their successes.

Builders tend to compare themselves with what others have got and want even better. They make decisions which are geared towards achieving more material success. For a Builder, money is a driving energy, and in its extreme form, becomes the pursuit of wealth.

A pay rise, bonus or performance related pay will keep a Builder motivated at work. Additionally, promotional opportunities are also highly motivating but only if they lead to more financial rewards. Builders may stay in a job they don’t particularly enjoy so long as the job satisfies their financial ambitions. However, forget to pay or incentivise them and they may seek a career elsewhere.

Focuses on: Ensuring their career meets their financial aspirations.
Likes you to: Set clear goals and targets.
Motivating statement: “Good news, we’re increasing your bonus”
Demotivating statement: “We’re no longer offering financial incentives”

Theme song: ‘’For the Love of Money’ by The O’Jays


Experts need proficiency and mastery of a subject in order to thrive. They are not driven by power or money, but by knowledge and they have a deep care for it. They will imbue this within their work because it gives them inner satisfaction to do so.

For an Expert to feel as though they have not performed well because of an inadequacy within themselves, would be a harsh form of self-punishment thus causing them some embarrassment. Experts actively seek opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in the specialised fields in which they operate and, accordingly, training opportunities are highly motivating for them.

Experts love to be revered as the wise sage of their profession however, don’t challenge their knowledge unless you can be certain you’re correct!

Focuses on: Consistently extending their knowledge.
Likes you to: Help them realise their own potential.
Motivating statement: “You’re so knowledgable”
Demotivating statement: “Are you sure that’s right?”

THEME SONG: ‘Knowledge is Power’ by The Ethiopians

Want to know whether your candidates or people are driven by achievement motivators?

Using Motivational Maps as part of your hiring and team development processes will reveal all! You can also access your FREE sample of a Motivational Map using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Why Motivation is Crucial to Performance

[2-minute insight]

A person’s happiness and success at work is partly determined by how well their core motivators are being met. As we know, times have changed considerably since the pandemic. Let’s look at how motivation affects performance.

Many people still work from home, opting for remote or hybrid working but both of these still come with challenges and distractions. Not everyone wants to go into the office and not everyone wants to work from home either.

And this can be a problem.

Without question, performance levels will drop when a person’s motivators are not continuously met and satisfied. Where behaviours can change, albeit slowly over time, motivations are much more fluid and can change every few weeks or months.

For example, people who were highly driven by financial reward as an Achievement Motivator, prior to the pandemic, taking into account furlough and redundancy concerns, found themselves becoming more motivated by job security and organisational stability.

Similarly, people with Relationship Motivators, who greatly value a sense of belonging really struggled during lockdowns because they were stuck at home.

In London alone 44% of employees under 35 years old say that a lack of motivation has been hindering their performance at work since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 according to research.

The study of over 1000 British employees, carried out by YouGov, reveals that the performance of younger workers (under 35 years old) is twice as likely to be impacted by a lack of motivation than that of 45-54-year olds (22%), and significantly more likely to be impacted by a lack of motivation than the average for all age groups (28%)

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Motivators are often overlooked in favour of skills, experience and behaviour. This can be detrimental to a person’s, and therefore, company’s performance. Motivation affects performance because fundamentally it’s the fuel to the furnace of success.

Most people are not, by default, passively inclined. We all have inherent needs and desires inside and outside of work. The truth is, because many people aren’t even aware of what their core motivators are, they can be difficult to express, even to themselves! Getting a good grasp of a person’s core motivators using tools like Motivational Maps is the the key to unlocking the complex motivation puzzle.

The three elements to performance:

DIRECTION: Where a person or the company is heading. Not knowing this results in passive, floundering behaviours e.g. ‘going round in circles’. Going against the grain of our motivators will result in failure over success.
SKILLS: This also extends to knowledge, competencies and abilities.
MOTIVATION: The driving force, the why we do what we do.

If motivation underpins performance, what then underpins motivation?
This also carries three elements…

Personality – Who we are.
Self-concept – Beliefs about ourselves, people and the world around us.
Expectations – Our beliefs about future outcomes.

Here is how the founder of Motivational Maps, James Sale, describes these three elements:

Our motivations are critically linked to our internally focused beliefs and our externally focused beliefs. In short, our beliefs, per se, play a staggering role in our motivations or lack thereof. Thus it is that if we want to improve our performance in any area, we need to consider what we believe about self and about the external environment in which we operate. It is no accident that the word ‘confidence’ comes from the Latin root, ‘con’ meaning ‘with’ and ‘fidence’ meaning faith.

So ‘with faith’ or ‘with belief’ underpins all motivation, all performance, and so all achievement. The question we then have is: How as coaches, mentors, consultants, leaders, managers and so on, can we effectively change our beliefs, internally and externally, to create optimum performance?

The irony cannot be lost. To achieve the results we want in the real world, we have to enter the nebulous realm of un-being – belief!

James sale, founder of motivational maps

To summarise, motivation is not just related to performance, it’s a crucial element! The more a person’s motivators are understood and met, the higher their performance levels will be.

Want to know how motivated your candidates and people are? And what you can do to help them perform better?

Using Motivational Maps as part of your hiring and team development processes will reveal all! You can also access your FREE sample of a Motivational Map using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

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