Man and lady shaking hands at a job interview

3 Ways DISC Helps You Recruit Top Talent

[3-minute insight]

Ahh the hiring process. All that time spent sifting through applications, CV’s and arranging interviews to find your ideal new team member then BAM!! Three days/weeks/months later, for whatever reason, it hasn’t worked out. You’re scratching your noggin, wondering what went wrong, before banging it on your desk because you know you have to start over. If this is causing you a headache, then using DISC at part of your hiring process could be the answer to your people puzzle.

The average employer spends about £3,000 and 27.5 days to hire a new worker


Here are the top three ways in which DISC profiling helps you to minimise the risk of a costly and time-consuming wrong hire.


Whether you have a one, two or three stage interview process, using a candidate’s DISC profile will give you valuable insight into their communication preferences. This is a more subtle and less tangible benefit, but it can have a significant impact on the progress of the discussion. Especially when interviews should always be a two-way conversation.

Making yourself aware of a candidate’s behavioural style means you can actively encourage them to reveal further information.

For example:

Is your candidate a fast-paced, dynamic high I-Style or D-Style, applying for a role which requires deliberation and acute attention to detail? If so, ask them about a time when they had to slow down their pace on a project to ensure that nothing was overlooked. Furthermore, you can ask them what the result of that was.

Contraily, your candidate may be a high C-Style or S-Style, which are generally slower-paced, passive and change resistant. However, your role requires a goal-focused visionary to lead a team through difficult times of change and growth. How might this affect what interview questions you ask about their leadership style?

A candidate’s DISC profile can highlight such potential challenges. Challenges which may never emerge during the course of a standardised interview. All DISC styles are capable of leading, it’s the nature of how they will lead which differs. As a hiring manager, you’ll need to curate suitable questions to determine a candidate’s adaptability to the demands of the role.

Whilst some hiring managers prefer to use a DISC as a basis for their interview questions, others choose to discuss a candidate’s profile with them during an interview. Neither of these approaches is significantly better or worse than the other. Ultimately the decision about how to use DISC for interviewing is a matter of preference but either way, be mindful of eliminating personal biases.

Nerves are normal:

Undeniably, most of us suffer with nerves from time to time and interviews are no exception. Your candidate could be the ideal-fit-on-paper but you’re facing a mouse-like nail-biter who can barely get a sentence out. Alternatively, you could be facing an overly chatty individual who appears to have no verbal filter.

Interview nerves however are temporary and not a true indicator of who your candidate is and how they act daily. This is because peoples’ styles can change when under pressure or feeling stressed. This is a normal human response, therefore, using DISC to identify their usual communication style is valuable. Not just for you but also for your candidates because you can encourage them to shine their light by adapting your own communication style to meet theirs. Whether this is to help someone open up more or keep their responses focused, a nervous candidate will appreciate your encouragement.


Imagine you have 2-3 great candidates who could all fit your role and blend nicely into your company culture. Now what do you do? Utilising DISC could be the key to helping you decide which of them you’ll be inviting to sign your contract of employment. Ask yourself: “Whose profile is the closest fit to the demands of the role and the qualities we’re looking for in a person?

Please be mindful that because DISC only ascertains predicted behaviour, it should only inform part of your final decision because you also need to account for other factors such as their skills and experience. It’s entirely possible that two or more people can have very similar DISC profiles yet they will have different personalities.


Using DISC for hiring could help you identify a potential talent gap within your team. For example, does one of your candidates have a style that your team is currently missing? Could this style bring you a value you hadn’t considered before?

For example, you have a team of sales-people who are great at making sales but you’re getting complaints. They’re not listening to the needs of the customer because they’re more focused on the end sale than customer service. Naturally, this would be an area of training and development for your existing people but if you’re expanding your team, could you need someone who already has proven sales ability but who uses adaptive listening and empathy?

DISC opens up the realms of possibility that your business may be experiencing a talent gap. Additionally, a person with a different style to the rest of your team could just be the fresh pair of eyes and traits you didn’t know you needed.

Want to see how a DISC profile looks? Just fill out the form below to access your free sample.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Exploring Dominance: The High D-Style

[2-minute insight]

People with a Dominant personality style (high D-Style) in DISC are direct, they think on their feet and focus on outcomes rather than processes.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.  

alexander the great

At first glance, the Dominant personality style may sound off-putting because it can conjure up the idea of an overbearing control-freak. This is not the case though. Lets look at the high D-Style more in terms of being direct and decisive rather than dominant.

D-Styles are proactive, much preferring to be at the helm rather than a passenger along for the ride. They are troubleshooters, autocratic decision makers who are confident in their abilities. Furthermore, D-Styles are goal oriented because they see the big picture.


  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Recognition and reward
  • Appreciation for effort
  • Challenges
  • Change and growth
  • Taking action and seeing tangible results
  • Personal freedom away from governing control


  • Natural leaders
  • Great organisers with good time-management skills
  • Confident and determined
  • Proactive in a crisis and works well under pressure
  • Accepts new challenges without fearing them
  • Pragmatic problem solvers who also offer innovative ideas


  • Can be blunt or seemingly insensitive
  • Can err on the impatient side, especially if overwhelmed by detail
  • Likely to lack compassion or sensitivity
  • Can be closed off to detail
  • May appear intimidating to some people due to their directness
  • Doesn’t always readily listen to the opinions of others

MOTIVATING STATEMENT: “You’re in charge”
MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “I say we take this approach”
LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: “I need more information and a consensus”
GREATEST FEAR: Being taken advantage of
THEME SONG: “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor

D-Styles prefer information is kept to the bare minimum because they have little time for ‘waffle‘ and copious amounts of detail. They are task focused, logical thinkers who prefer to concern themselves with the what and where as opposed to the details of how and why.

Finally, the Dominant personality style is primarily active and business/task focused rather than the more people-centric I-style. They have little time for negativity. D-Styles are not unsocial creatures but they do like you to get to the point!

FAMOUS D-STYLES: Simon Cowell, Judge Judy, Buzz Lightyear

Want to know whether your candidate is a high D-Style or a D-Style blend? Using DISC as part of your hiring process will determine that for you. You can also access your FREE sample of a DISC Profile using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Exploring Influence: The High I-Style

[2-minute insight]

People with an Influential personality style (high I-Style) in DISC are enthusiastic, persuasive and know how to work a room!

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.

Salvador dali

The I-Styles are the social butterflies of the DISC world (not to be confused with the works of Terry Pratchett!) Influential personality styles are upbeat, positive, charming and can network better than National Rail (which, frankly, is not difficult). They are the people’s people because they just love to be around others. The I-Style is as fast-paced and dynamic as the D-Style and, like the S-Style, appreciates teamwork.

They will enthusiastically wax lyrical about anything and everything because, as extroverts, this is energising for them.


  • Recognition and praise
  • Talking and presenting
  • Rapport building
  • Teamwork/collaborating
  • Creativity and fun
  • Appreciation for a job well-done


  • Motivates others and offers encouragement
  • Positivity, has a sense of fun and humour
  • Productive
  • Will keep the peace
  • Bonds well with others
  • Intuitive and persuasive


  • Can lack organisational skills
  • Not a fan of detail and may overlook it
  • Prefers to talk more than listen
  • More concerned with people than tasks
  • Can be emotional
  • Tendency to be impulsive

MOTIVATING STATEMENT: “You’re the greatest!”
MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “Here’s a fun exercise in brainstorming ideas!”
LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: “I need more paperwork and routine”
GREATEST FEAR: Loss of popularity
THEME SONG: ‘Walking on Sunshine’ by Katrina & the Waves

Finally, I-Styles thrive on freedom because they don’t like feeling controlled. They love to work in a fun, social environment with a platform to freely express themselves. The Influential personality style greatly fears rejection or being belittled by others. Their insecurities will come out if you rain on their sunny parade so don’t risk being the victim of the pointy end of their umbrella! Naturally creative, The I-Style brims over with ideas and will passionately tell anyone (still listening) about them.

FAMOUS I STYLES: Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Donkey from Shrek

Want to know whether your candidate is a high I-Style or an I-Style blend? Using DISC as part of your hiring process will determine that for you. You can also access your FREE sample of a DISC Profile using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Exploring Steadiness: The High S-Style

[2-minute insight]

People with a Steady personality style (high S-Style) in DISC are stable, reliable and will temper a brewing conflict!

Wherever I go meeting the public… spreading a message of human values, spreading a message of harmony, is the most important thing.   


S-Styles are the ‘Steady-Eddies’ of your team. Using their natural empathy, the humble S-Styles are the peacekeepers within your organisation. Like an I-Style, they are people-oriented, however, they prefer to be a receptive listener rather than the verbose and talkative I-Style. Steady personality styles value harmony, peace, and above all…fairness. The friendly S will also share a patient attitude and loyalty to those around them. They don’t like tension but they may be the one to help resolve the growing dispute over the ownership of the fridge milk.


  • Safety and security
  • A harmonious environment
  • Recognition for their loyalty
  • Recognition for their reliability
  • Appreciation for their peacekeeping
  • Opportunities to help others
  • Praise for personal accomplishments


  • Reliable and dependable
  • Cares about the team
  • Great listener and encourages consensus
  • Calm and kind temperament
  • Good at multi-tasking
  • Great with conflict resolution


  • Tends to oppose change
  • Tendency to hold grudges rather than tackling issues directly
  • Can be sensitive to criticism, especially if it’s not justified
  • Takes a while to adjust to change
  • May have difficulty with establishing priorities
  • Can be a little too accommodating due to their harmonius nature

MOTIVATING STATEMENT: “You’re so dependable”
MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “Is there anything I can help you with?”
LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: “A last minute upheaval?! Count me in!”
GREATEST FEAR: Letting people down
THEME SONG: ‘Sweet Harmony’ by The Beloved

Steady personality styles are more introverted and they need to feel comfortable with a person or group before they open-up. They value authenticity and will be keenly observing a person’s sincerity. Although S-Styles show resistance to change, they will adapt, albeit slowly.

When given gentle guidance and patience, the S-Style will adjust from discomfort to comfort…but only in their own time. the Steady personality style shies away from personal conflict but can be good at tempering conflict between others.

Finally, S-Styles will get the required job done but with due care and steadiness until it is complete. Going in hammer and tong with the emphasis on needing something done in a direct, impatient manner will make an S-Style retreat quicker than a tortoise into its shell!

FAMOUS S-STYLES: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Marge Simpson

Want to know whether your candidate is a high S-Style or an S-Style blend? Using DISC as part of your hiring process will determine that for you. You can also access your FREE sample of a DISC Profile using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

Exploring Compliance: The High C-Style

[2-minute insight]

People with a Compliant personality style (high C-Style) in DISC are analytical, precise and very handy with a Soduko puzzle!

The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.

charles r. swindoll

Compliance isn’t to be thought of in terms of being a pushover, High C-Styles just happen to appreciate rules and regulations. They are the analytical thinkers within the realm of DISC. Accordingly, they’re naturally conscientious, precise and pay great attention to detail. Like the D-Style, they are task-oriented but they work at a more moderate pace than the dynamic D-Style.

The Compliant personality style is on the skeptical side. Oftentimes though, this is simply a practice of healthy caution because they have an ability to see what many others do not. Their need for accuracy can lead them to being challenging if they feel someone has not considered all the possibilities and finer points. The C-Style is the person who dots the I’s and crosses the T’s. Whilst naturally analytical, the C-Style can also be highly creative, especially when it comes to problem solving.


  • Opportunities to gain knowledge
  • Logic and thinking
  • A controlled and organised environment
  • Tasks and projects
  • Clear parameters – so long as they are set sufficiently
  • Accuracy and fine attention to detail
  • Procedure and routine


  • Conscientious and instinctive
  • Even tempered
  • Committed and subsequently, will see projects through
  • Good problem solvers because of their pragmatic approach
  • Can offer a fresh perspective
  • Well organised because they like to be prepared
  • Effective at trouble-shooting


  • May have trouble verbally expressing themselves
  • Can get too caught up in the detail
  • Finds it difficult to see the big picture
  • Can be perfectionististic
  • Fears criticism without validation
  • Has trouble delegating tasks

MOTIVATING STATEMENT: “You ensure we do it right!”
MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “Good idea but we need to consider x,y,z first”
LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: “Don’t worry about details, we can wing it!”
GREATEST FEAR: Being wrong
THEME SONG: ‘Take Your Time (Do it Right)’ by SOS Band

If you want a task done thoroughly then the Compliant personality style is your hero of the hour. Furthermore, it will be done to the enth degree because a C-Style regards accuracy and quality with verve.

Like the S-Style, a Complaint personality style is more introverted and prefers autonomy. They excel when given the time and space to work their analytical magic. However, this can come at the price of isolating themselves from others. When delivering criticism, C-Styles need tact and diplomacy. No matter how well-intended or constructive it is, C‘s are proud creatures and fear criticism like the plague! Nothing makes a high C retreat more than if you go blundering in like an elephant in army boots.

FAMOUS C-STYLES: Albert Einstein, Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, Mrs Potato Head

Want to know whether your candidate is a high C-Style or a C-Style blend? Using DISC as part of your hiring process will determine that for you. You can also access your FREE sample of a DISC Profile using the form below.

Samantha Lynne
I help business owners & hiring managers streamline candidate interviews to make right-first-time hires for the long-term.

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